A Law Enforcement Officer is NEVER fully Retired. We at ARLEO, understand this to be true because that’s who we are, Retired Law Enforcement Officers. We will provide a resource for Legal Protection for those who have risked their lives every day to Protect others. We offer the Legal Support You Deserve and the ability to Monetarily Enjoy a Healthy and Fulfilling Life after an LEO puts away their Shield. We know who You are and You will Always be there to Protect …
$60 for the first year for Retiring or Retired I.U.P.A. Members with a Sponsorship Program provided by Your Local and the I.U.P.A. Please reach out to your I.U.P.A. local leader/president for more information and to see if they are participating. (Not all Locals are participating in the Sponsorship program; please check with your Local prior to signing up). Otherwise, the cost is $180.00 annually.
At the International Union of Police Associations, member care is paramount. With that being stated, we realized that upon retirement we often lose the special relationships developed through years of service. We have discovered that many retirees would embrace the opportunity to “stay in the loop”.
The Alliance For Retired Law Enforcement Officers [ARLEO] will be there for you [the retiree] long after your well-earned retirement. We are looking forward to continuing a long-standing appreciation of your service. We have developed access to additional benefits through partnerships and an abundancy of organizations to offer great benefits and discounts at an affordable annual rate.
- ARLEO Premier Plan Plus: $180.00 Per Year: Eligibility Requirement: Any individual who has retired as a sworn law enforcement officer in good standing.
- Legal Defense Protection: Legal Defense Protection arising from use of a firearm is included.
Join as a Retired I.U.P.A. Member
ARLEO Premier Plan: $180 Annual Payment
(See below for local sponsorship cost)
- Legal Defense Protection: Additional Legal Defense Protection arising from use of a firearm is included. I.U.P.A. is proud to offer you access to this tremendous legal protection on top of the outstanding benefits you obtain by being part of the ARLEO program.
- Law enforcement legislative updates/direct correspondence keeping you “in the loop”
- Up to $20,000 NO COST AD&D insurance for the first year (Renewable opportunities available)
- $4,000 AD&D Benefit – Automatic with ARLEO renewal
- $5,000+ annually in savings from local and national brand names, products, and services for you and your family members: Attractions, Tours, Concerts, Sports Events, Education, Health/Wellness, Insurance, (Pets, Auto/Boats/ATV’s), Mortgages, Financial, Clothing, Groceries, Restaurants, Electronics, Gifts, etc. …
- Up to $150,000 AD&D with low-cost Accident Coverage from AME.
- Enjoyable, Affordable, and Protected … retirement – you earned it!
- ARLEO Premier Plan Plus membership is $60 the first year for retiring I.U.P.A. members with a Sponsorship from your Local and the International Union of Police Associations
Visit https://arleo.org/ for more information.
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