The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) reports that each year, nearly one third of the population will experience neck pain. This number seems to be continuing to rise with more people working from a desk and the increased use of screen time.

There are a few different types of neck pain, but the most common type is mechanical neck pain. Mechanical neck pain stems from the cervical spine, or upper spine, and neck, which is composed of many muscles, tendons, and ligaments that contract and constrict throughout the day. These supporting structures may need to be addressed to improve the pain in your neck. Mechanical neck pain typically results from poor posture, neck strain related to work/physical activity, or even stress. Luckily, there are steps you can be doing to combat annoying symptoms of acute neck pain.

Tip #1: Stretch throughout the day!

Stretching aids in the flexibility of your muscles and ligaments to improve the functional movement of the neck and supporting structures.

Tip #2: Heat it up!

Apply heat to the neck muscles for 20 minutes can improve pain by relaxing the muscles of the upper spine. Apply a hot pack can also be done before stretching or massage to improve muscle pliability with activity. Heat also aids in increased oxygen flow and nutrients which encourages healing in your neck.

Tip #3: Position yourself for success!

We have all been told to “sit up straight” at some point in our lives, but this simple tip can make a huge impact on improving stress on your neck. If you’re sitting at a chair or desk your shoulders should be relaxed and in a natural position. Your feet should be firmly on the floor and bent at a 90-degree angle. In addition, if you are using a monitor, it should be placed at eye level. Another posturing tip is to utilize a earbud/wireless speaker methods while talking on the phone. This will decrease the extra strain on your cervical spine by eliminating the cradling position of your phone and neck while you are talking.

Click here to learn about some great exercises for your neck!