Preventative Care Tips

Did you know heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other conditions are classified by the medical community as preventable? Scheduling routine exams, screenings, and consultations with your primary care physician are simple ways to increase your life expectancy, save money, and stay healthy. Take advantage of your health benefits if you haven’t already!



Wellness exams aren’t the only way you can prevent chronic disease. Prevention also covers tobacco cessation, moderate alcohol consumption, diet, physical activity, stress management, and other lifestyle interventions. Being vigilant is another important component to prevention! If you notice changes or experience prolonged discomfort in any area of your body, get it checked! The earlier you catch something, the better off you’ll be.

Work With a UWAC Wellness Coach!

Working with a UWAC wellness coach is a great way to ensure you are on the right track to achieving your best health. Ask yourself what you’d like to get out of the wellness program by the end of this year. Once you’ve figured out your year-end goal, send it to your wellness coach! Your wellness coach is not here to force you to do anything you do not want to, they are here to empower you with the tools you need to live your best healthy life as YOU define it.

Here are a few additional questions you can consider when thinking about your long-term wellness goal.

  • How can your wellness coach best help you reach your goals?
  • What would you like to know or be able to do at the end of this year?
  • What’s the most important thing you can talk to your wellness coach about today?

Arming yourself with knowledge about your health and risks is the best starting point in your journey to better health. While it may seem like an insurmountable challenge, having the right tools and support can get you there each step of the way. Not sure where to start? Chat with your coach!

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