Summer is here and it’s time to enjoy the outdoors, grill up your favorite foods, and have fun with your family and friends! While you are out enjoying these long summer nights your health coaches would like to emphasize the importance of staying safe while on the job and that begins with taking care of yourself! Below are a few tips to ensure you’re feeling your best to continue contributing to your success on and off the job.


Soaking up the sun and summer go hand in hand but too much sun can deplete your body of its electrolytes. Avoid the symptoms of dehydration such as headache and dizziness while on the job by keeping a refreshing bottle of water with you at all times (bonus points if it is reusable). See how many times you usually refill your water bottle during the workday and slowly build up to drinking at least 64 ounces of water/day. If you’re playing sports or working in hot temperatures, drink a sports drink to help replenish your electrolytes and stay hydrated.

Proper Lifting Technique

Improper lifting techniques are one of the most common reasons for workplace injuries. Protect yourself by practicing safe lifting and storing techniques at work and home! Before lifting items at work, assess the object for any slippery spots or other potential hazards, know your limits, ask for help if you need it and plan on where you will be setting the item down. Remember to squat down to the item needed to be lifted instead of bending at the waist! Revisit your employer’s proper lifting guidelines for more information on how to prevent back injuries both on and off the job.


Not to sound like your mother but slouching really can impact your body and health! Whether sitting, standing, or laying, gravity is always exerting a force. Proper posture allows equal distribution of this force over our joints, ligaments, and muscles, sparing them from being overly stressed. Other than standing (or sitting) tall and confident, good posture helps with digestion, circulation, breathing, healthy bones and spine, and your frame of mind. So keep those shoulders back, relaxed, and engage your core. If you catch yourself repeatedly slipping into old habits, set an occasional reminder to check your posture!

Sleep Hygiene

We all know getting adequate rest each night helps our overall mood, energy levels, and performance at work but it also helps you boost your immune system, keeps your mental health in check, and wards off heart disease. If there’s one thing you can do to feel your best, it’s making sure your body gets plenty of rest each night. Set yourself up for a good night’s rest by creating a wind down routine, making sure your bedroom is sleep-friendly, and get to bed around the same time each night. If your sleep hygiene is something you’d like to work on with your health coach, please feel free to contact them!


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