November is a time to be thankful, a time to remember and embrace those who put their lives on the line protecting us every day. Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and National University wants to take a moment to tell you how much we appreciate your selfless dedication and commitment to public safety.
For over 50 years, National University, a veteran-founded non-profit university, has been making higher education both accessible and affordable. Three years ago National University launched its Public Safety Promise which offers all members of public safety and professional staff along with their spouses and dependents a 25% Tuition Scholarship in over 75+ programs with convenient four-week classes that are offered online with year-round enrollment. In addition, NU also gives substantial credit for prior career training programs accelerating graduation dates. Students can earn an associate, bachelor’s, or master’s degree and as of December 1st, due to our merger with Northcentral University, we will be able to offer 21 doctoral programs with a 15% Tuition Scholarship.
We know many of you will be thinking about adding school to your New Year’s Resolutions. Now is the time to start the process. Our public safety team stands ready to support you in any way we can, starting with simply answering your questions. Simply fill out a request for information at Public Safety Promise and talk to an advisor or simply drop us a note or give us a call.
In Appreciation, Your National University Public Safety Outreach Team
Shelley Zimmerman
National University Leadership & Public Safety Solutions
Chief San Diego Police Department (Retired)
Jessica Gladney
Director, Workforce Education
Cheli Mohamed
Account Manager
Kevin Tarazi
Account Specialist
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