What is Alcohol Awareness Month?

There are big benefits to educating and spreading awareness about alcohol use and abuse, and Alcohol Awareness Month, recognized every April since 1987, is a great opportunity to get the word out.

Alcohol Awareness Month was founded by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) with the original purpose of sharing information on alcohol use with college-aged young adults. Over the years, it is evolved and expanded, and today, it is a nationwide public health initiative that seeks to not just increase awareness around alcohol dependency but to reduce the harmful stigma that can so often come along with it.

This expanded effort—and the expanded conversation that comes along with it—can benefit anyone of any age who may have questions about, or struggles with, alcohol consumption. This includes teens, adults, and the family members of individuals who have dealt with or are currently dealing with concerning alcohol use.




Teenage Drinking Parenting Advice

One of the big goals of Alcohol Awareness Month is to help facilitate conversations about alcohol use between parents and their teens.

If you are the parent of a teenager and need some help creating a safe space to discuss the topic, here are some tips that can get the dialogue going:

Be observant. Pay attention to the signs of alcohol use in teens, such as loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities and withdrawal from relationships.

Be open-minded. Do not put your child on the defense. Make it clear that you are there to talk, and not to judge.

Be direct. Set out clear expectations for your teen and discuss together what should be done if they are not met.




Getting Involved in Alcohol Awareness Month

There are a number of Alcohol Awareness Month events and initiatives that you may want to consider getting involved with this month. In addition, there are many good reasons to participate, including helping reduce misconceptions around alcohol dependency and making it easier for everyone to have open and honest conversations about this important topic.

Here are some things that you can do:

Participate in “Dry” April: You can abstain from alcohol for the month. You can encourage others to do so as well!

Educate Others: Other people, and especially young people, can benefit from more direct conversations about alcohol use. This fact sheet on how alcohol use affects children and teens has useful statistics that are worth sharing with others, as does our own resource on drug and alcohol facts.

Alcohol Awareness Month is an opportunity for individuals of all ages to have a frank discussion about the dangers of unhealthy alcohol consumption. Moreover, if you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, let it be a reminder that there is no shame in asking for help.

For more information or to seek support from a professional mental health care provider, please contact us today.

Source: https://www.retreatbehavioralhealth.com/blog/what-is-alcohol-awareness-month/