Union Sportsmen’s Alliance Outdoor Survival Video Series & Giveaway

The great outdoors is just that—great. But it comes with a set of unique risks, challenges, and obstacles. In the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance’s latest 8-video YouTube series SMART Tips & Tricks for Outdoor Survival, host Jason Smith shares the skills he acquired as a Special Forces combat medic and primitive skills instructor to help you stay safe, sound and found the next time you head into the wild.

New videos will be posted each week from Oct. 23 through Dec. 11. Check them out to make sure you are prepared for those unexpected situations outdoors.

Then take a brief survey by December 11 to let the USA know what survival topic you’d like to see more videos about to get entered to win the Ultimate Survival Pack worth $595.

Take Survey & Enter Drawing: www.unionsportsmen.org/survival-contest


Not a Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) member?

The USA connects the union and outdoor way of life, uniting outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen across trades, distance, and generations to stand together—as only union members know how to do—to preserve our outdoor heritage for future generations.

The Outdoor Survival Survey Giveaway is exclusive to USA members, but it just takes a few steps to sign up and join the more than 325,000 union members who are proud to be part of the USA family!

Visit www.myusamembership.com